Thursday, September 13, 2007

Proud moments for Building Constructions....

Wohooo... Finally got the pictures and the videos for the building constructions structural model testing... HAHA... Sounds complicated? TO summarise the whole thing so it is easier to understand, me and a group of another 4 people (Xing Yi, Ah Yang, Wen Harn and Zhen Yu) had to design and build a skeletal tower that can withstand a weight of about 50kg. The catch is, we had to use balsa wood to build it. Balsa is the type of wood to build toy gliders, seen it before? Its one of the lightest material there is in the market. Oh yea, another catch is, the less members, the better. GOT it? So here are some pictures of the process of making our model... Its copyrighted... HAHA.... No plagiarism is allowed....
The main design inspiration is the columns used in the Ancient Roman buildings... Well, you will get the idea when u see it. It looks like a Skeleton of the column.

One of our work places... Materials and tools including our plans....

Our members used for one tower...Note: We are making three towers....

Me concentrating while making one of the members... WHooo.. Needs perfection....

Ah Yang( Left) and me

Ah Yang and Xing Yi testing the first model

Wen Harn joining in the joy when the first model was a success....

Ok... Back to work on the other 2.....

One of the parts...

Hurry hurry....

Trying model with more weight....

Finally three models done...


Xing Yi givingan intro on the model...

Wen Harn talked about the concept and the forces....

Final preparations for the test...

First test.... Using all three models... Ah Yang on top....

Second test... Using just two models..A balancing act......

Thank God it stood.... Now need to do portfolio for it... HEHEHE.......... Oh yea the outcome....

The top broke a bit after the second test when Ah Yang Sort of jumped down....

All in all, Our hard work is paid off....

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