Saturday, May 9, 2009

A column....

Its weird how sometimes I feel proud that I accomplish something small. Like this 3D Column. Took me 1 hour to get it right... And you know what.... I still have 50% to go on my final 3D model. And I want to finish everything, including the interior by Sunday night. Think I can accomplish that? Hmmm.. Okay finee... Monday night then..

Wish me luck...
I feel like I am slowly turning insane.....
Happy because of a column...
Real funny...
*Someone send me to the hospital!*

1 comment:

EC said...

Not really..I think you're not insane. Just that you've got the queer eyes for perfection, in a good way of course. Well that happens to me all the time but you've got to just nail on one solid decision sometimes. Nice column texture btw. Good luck! =D