Today, I FINALLY GOT TO GO FISHING!!! YESHHH!!!.. After so freaking long, I finally got to go fish at my uncle's pond.. Those fishes are so hard to catch. Sat there by the pond from 2 to 6 (P.M.) and I only caught 6 fishes. However, everyone else didn't catch any so that means I am kinda lucky. I prayed to get one fish and God provided me with six.. HAHA... God so love me... Well, now I am all tanned up, and tired. Luckily I wore a cap and sun-block or else you will think I am a walking "char sao bak"(roast pork they put on top of Kampua).. Dad and his friends got so frustrated that they cant catch anything so they took the raft and like the traditional Nelayans, they rowed and they cast their nets and at least they caught something...*cheaters* Oh well, at least I had tons of fun and also Fresh Fish to eat.. Mmmmmm~~~~ BBQ fish with chillies and soy sauce... Lip smacking good... Too bad my gal couldn't make it.. Well, here is my catch of the day Ikan Labang Sawah or something like that...
mmmm...the fish looks extremely delicious~!! darn it...u get to eat fresh fish over here is FROZEN...including chickens!! did u get the t-shirt made??
HAHA... Still in the process dude.. Y? wanna buy some?
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