- A year where time really flies. A blink of an eye and it is totally finished..
- A year when I get to say one more year and I am turning 21.... Yea, lame huh?
- A year when I started this blog.... Really big accomplishment.. I wonder how many people do read my blog... Hmmmmm...
- A year I got into a relationship. *Don't smirk Lea... I know you will*
- A year I started enjoying studying.
- A year I really started to think of my future.. *really worried*
- A year which I started to smoke.. Hmmmm... NOT!!!! That was just a lie.. Gotcha..... HAHA.... Nahh.... I don't smoke. But I am wondering why many people think that architecture students will start smoking...
- A year where I start driving in K.L. Now thats a major accomplishment.
- A year where I found out that I am a Choleric Melancholy.. Its a personality test... Try it...
- A year where I met some amazing people. (won't say who... Don't get cocky now)
- A year where I really learned how to appreciate art and architecture
... Okay..... I am getting tired....
Well, I give up... too many... HAHA... Man, I am so craving for a bowl of oily but delicious Kampua now...
Mmm... Kampua.... HAHA... SO gonna get killed by those overseas... Sorry overseas Sibu-ians...
Oh yea... And I wanna go fishing again.... Its my newest hobby. Just to sit there and wait for a fish to bite... But the bad thing is, sun bathing in the hot scorching sun... But its fun catching it...

I feel so proud...
Well, I can't wait till Chinese New Year... I miss Sibu even though its only been 2 days... HAIHHH... Life goes on... Huh???
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