Why am I writing this as if it is my diary? Hmmm... No idea.. Definitely noooo Idea. But indeed, yesterday was an amazing day for me. Lots of things to see and experience. Woke up at 8 and got ready to meet up with Ah Yang, Qi Qi, Genie and Huei Liq at Mentari at 930 to go to the site visit for our Building Constructions 2 assignment on form work and construction methods. Everyone was punctual, even for Ah Yang who was usually late, except for Huei Liq who let the plane go (HAHA... Fan Fei Gei- Cantonese for canceling on us or something like that). Qi Qi's uncle came at 935 to bring us to the site he is developing and the first thing he asked us to do when we reached the site was to wear the site helmet for safety issues.. Woooo... Never got to do that before. Well, it really makes me seem as if I am in the construction business already.
Group Photo we taken after walking around the muddy site. Look at the helmets and the Dirty boots. I wonder what is the difference between the white and the Yellow Helmet... Anyone knows?
It was a clear sky morning which can only mean one thing.
One thing..
And on top of that, it rained the night before so the site is so very the wet. Everywhere was covered in mud. Just look at the truck.. It got stuck in the mud.
Because of the mud, we were required to wear boots before we enter the site. I don't know whose boots we were wearing but at least it keeps our feet dry. There were only 3 yellow/PCK boots. Wondering what is PCK?
PCK is a who and not a what. P.C.K. stands for Phua Chu Kang, a very funny Singaporean Comedy which is no longer in production. The actor is the same actor in "Just Follow Law", a comedy I recommend everyone to watch. Ok, Back to the post.. We were given an insight on the site and the stages of construction from piling to pile caps, form work to finished columns and much more by a civil engineer by the name of Andy. With the knowledge we "already" know and the things he pointed out, we managed to truly, finally understand what is piling and the hard work used in a construction process.
PCK is a who and not a what. P.C.K. stands for Phua Chu Kang, a very funny Singaporean Comedy which is no longer in production. The actor is the same actor in "Just Follow Law", a comedy I recommend everyone to watch. Ok, Back to the post.. We were given an insight on the site and the stages of construction from piling to pile caps, form work to finished columns and much more by a civil engineer by the name of Andy. With the knowledge we "already" know and the things he pointed out, we managed to truly, finally understand what is piling and the hard work used in a construction process.
Pile driver
It was so muddy that this Lorry got stuck, and that was the entrance to our site.. Oh boy...
Dig Dig Dig.... That thing sticking out is the pile..
And then there is the pile cap. Sorry for those who knows nothing about construction...
Its for us who are in the construction line..
Cutting the excess pile
Machines at work all day..
Genie trying to get up to the slope..
Hmmmm... I just made Qi Qi look shorter... My bad.
Form Works.. Concrete can't dry due to the rain...
How the form work for the columns are made.
Worker:"GRrrrrr.. Why take my picture?"
Random Random...
Okay okay, it doe not seem eventful but for me it is. It is not like we can enter a construction site and just got there to see see. I finally learned what I am supposed to learn. Sometimes, it is through experience to learn something which cannot be found in books. Aiks... I know I should not be saying this.. I am just too "inspired" by Daphne to say this.
"We all need passion to do something we love. No matter how dirty, How hard, How challenging but sometimes, we need to challenge ourselves in doing more."
Construction, including Architects needs to face being dirty or stinky or sticky because its our job to ensure everything is alright. If you hire someone to do it for you, then where is the passion for that? So before entering to a course like this..
ITS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT SCIENCE AND ARTS COMBINE~inspired by a lecturer by the name of Fabien... Errrrrrr... *SWEAT!*
Lameville..... SHhhhhhhhh... HAHA... You know what I mean....
In the end, I gained more than I lost in this site visit... At least I know what is a slump test..
Slump test..
And also value the hard work done by the construction workers..
After the visit, Qi Qi's uncle, together with Andy brought us out to have Bak Gu Teh and we learned even more bout the construction industry. It is actually an interesting field to get into. It is technical not those jobs who requires you to sit in the office for long hours. On site, yes you get darker skin and you sweat, but its fun. Andy's view on the jobs in Malaysia is that we need more technical people like engineers, construction managers, architects and etc. since we are a developing nation. On political view, well, that I can't say.. HEHE.. Well, Elections are over. The people have spoken... Well, I am not one of them yet.. Dang... My birthday is in October so I am not eligible to vote. Oh well, Good luck to our nation... Just want it to improve no matter what...
Whew... Turning sikit gila now... Forgive me... So, whoever is interested in doing architecture, engineering or Construction.. Welcome! Next post soon!
Whew... Turning sikit gila now... Forgive me... So, whoever is interested in doing architecture, engineering or Construction.. Welcome! Next post soon!
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