Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Upcoming "events"..

Yes, it has reached the final 2 months for semester 4, including the exams and the horrid "CRIT" day. The mid-term break should be called, "CATCH UP WITH YOUR WORK" instead of break. But somehow, I still don't have the mood to do anything yet. All I did so far was mess around with my 3d Max assignment and staring into my creature diagram to come up with something for Studio 2 final assignment a.k.a. designing a diver's center. Besides that, I have two group research papers too with the same Lameville Gang. Busy busy busy busy... Wonder when I will start having the feeling to get anything done. Oh well. At least I am trying. HAHA. Oh yea, I am turning old... 28 more days to my 21st. Oh the joy.. OF BEING OLDER. Well, be sure to come visit my blog when I try to conjure something up of turning 21. HAHA. *NOT FUNNY*. I know. Well, Blabbers are blabbers and this is a blabber post. BLABBER BLABBER BLABBER.......


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