Tuesday, June 8, 2010


HURRAY!!!! MY HISTORY ESSAY GOT A H1! H1! Wohoo..... HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! And here is the comment by the marker.....

Dear Chen Wei Li Aaron, It is a very good work, well done. The argument is clear and precise, as well as the illustrations and points. But, maybe the argument is a little bit too big, and your scope covered many intentions of Wright’s later works. If you can add some previous works of Wrights to further make a series of comparisons, the article will be more precise! Or, you may have narrowed down your argument and only focused on one or two “new” strategies of Wright. Maybe you can say something more which has been never talked (try to be more critical and creative). Maybe try to carefully look at the drawings and images of building itself and precisely analyze them by yourself. Maybe try to say more from your personal opinions, as the result of your analyses and comparisons. It is a very good start, and it will be much better in the next time.

Look out for the mistake... I AM NOT CHEN!! ITS CHEW!!!!! CHEWWWW!!!!!! But ok la... Typical me being too long with my arguments.... Oh well..... BUT A H1!!! WOHOOOOO!!! ON CLOUD 9! But I am wondering if there is a next time... HAHAHA....


Dorm Bedding said...

Having a good grade/review of my work always shines a bright spot on my day...such a good feeling :)

Dorm Bedding said...

Great grades are just the best...a belated congrats!