Awwww... The cute little monkey... Errrr... Nahhh. It is camp at Kuala Selangor Nature Park and in nature parks, one will find animals like monkeys, birds, bla bla bla.. Its Taylor's SABD Students of 2007 first camping trip out of Subang Jaya/Petaling Jaya. And yes, it is also Lameville first sort of camping/outing as a group. COol huh?

Having fun in the bus... A 2 hour journey from TCPJ to Kuala Selangor.

Group Picture after setting up camp
Around the area,
Having fun in the bus... A 2 hour journey from TCPJ to Kuala Selangor.
Group Picture after setting up camp
Around the area,
Monkey:"What are you doing on my Property?"
"I do a monkey Kung-Fu on you all!! WAAAAAAA!!!!"
It also means there are plenty of stories to tell and many new experiences gained. I shall give this trip a 6.5 out of 10. I will say why later but now, allow me to slowly tell the story of our trip. This might get long so prepare your pop-corn, your snacks and try to imagine what I am saying. HAHA.. Just joking, I will try to write as little as possible and allow the pictures to tell a thousand words.
My gosh... What a pose to give the camera...
And Daphne wanted a photo with the monkey but did not dare go near.. HAHA...
Miss Shereen waiting annoyingly for all the students to gather to start off the camp.
Hau Yee being as doinky as usual (excited)
The first day of the camp is for us to test out our Egg Drop Apparatus which was done before Chinese New Year. Mixed feeling filled all of us; "Will the model work?" "What if we fail?" Yea, I guess it was a nerve wreaking walk to the test tower that afternoon and guess what, My team (me and Huei Liq) were chosen to be the first a.k.a. guinea pig group to drop our apparatus from the tower. First try=works. Then the lecturers decided to change the rules to drop it a floor higher which means we have to drop it again. 2nd try on 2nd floor= Huei Liq got nervous= apparatus drop on the concrete= egg cracked= no extra marks. After that, it was Hau Yee and Daphne's group which somehow, it also dropped on the edge of the concrete floor, cracking the egg. Thank goodness Mr. Kit allowed them another chance. The rest of the groups' apparatus worked which was a relief for us all.
Everyone excited to go to the tower.
The first four groups to drop the apparatus. The M.b. series.
Everyone feeling nervous on the tower.
After losing in the rock, scissor,paper match with me, Huei Liq had to drop the apparatus while I snapped photos.
Li Qun and Sherman's Apparatus after being dropped from the first floor.
Hau Yee and Daphne's Apparatus which failed on the first try.
Darren and Wai Sie's model which worked
My poor model after the second try.
Daphne fixing the model for a second try...
Seldom we can see the lecturers in a good mood.
Paparazzi filled the drop site, I was one of them.
Expressions says it all..
We even have foreigners watching what we were doing.
Miss Shereen must be bored after watching 50+ models falling from the tower.
One more try but sadly it failed once again... Poor Daphne and Hau Yee...
Some expressions which we will seldom see from lecturers.. Well, they are just humans anyway.
Mr. Kit watched too much of the Soulja Boy video.
After everyone had tried out their model, it was time for us all to head back and for those who are camping like me, Darren, Li Qun and the girls Wai Sie, Daphne and Huei Liq to join the other campers to build our campfire for the night. By the way, this is my first ever camping trip. Meanind sleeping in the forest and in a tent with sleeping bags and all.
Walking back after a tiring afternoon.
Camp fire.... Just to dry the wet wood so we can use them as firewood throughout the night.
After that, we went onto the bus and off we went for dinner
With Huei Liq's guidance, we went to a river side restaurant to have dinner.. Each person only had to pay Rm 12 for the meal and we were sooooo Full.. Worth it. And a great time we had as a group.
After the hearty dinner, we had the Firefly watch at the Park resort.. Or something like that. Each person had to pay Rm 11 to enter...Not a bad price.. Too bad we couldn't take any pictures or it will scare the fireflies. But it was amazing. The sight of the fireflies glowing on the trees reminds me of Christmas trees and also stars glowing on the ground. It is just so beautiful.. All I can do is capture the image in my mind as Miss Hilda said and enjoy the moment... AHhhh.....
Well, Too bad I don't have our group pictures. Will get it from Hau Yee soon. I will only write till here because there is way too much to write and show... So I will Label this post as...
To be continued~~~
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