Hmmmm... Two members of Lameville are celebrating their 19th birthday today. Wohooo.. COol-ness... Daphne, Hau Yee and me were the main planners for the whole thing. Li Qun and Sherman also helped out with the planning of transportation. Thanks Guys.. Appreciate it. Since yesterday evening, we secretly planned everything. Thanks to studio, we acted like we totally forgotten about their birthday. Actually, the rest almost forgotten about Wai Sie and Darren's birthday. Indeed Studio work had totally made up oblivious to any events. So, since I was always the evil planner for most of the birthdays, I tend to remember and asked Daphne and Hau Yee about what we were going to do for the two Lameville citizens. So, planning began after studio. We did not mention anything to them about them turning 19. We just acted as if we were tired and had totally forgotten. Smart huh? Well, I just found out that the two didn't expect us to even remember. HAHA.
Daphne suggested that we go to Wong Kok Char Chan Teng because they gave a big cup of Hong Kong tea for free for those who are celebrating their birthday. Hmmmm.... Ok lo.. Never been there before so agreed with the plan. I only found out that Wong Kok is actually a more fancy Kim Gary. HAHA.... And since Hau Yee only knew the place where Wong Kok can be found, which is at Pavilion, we all agreed that we had to have a day out to de-stress from the workload that we had for the past two weeks. So the plan was in motion..
Fast forwarding to this morning, Daphne SMS-ed me details of the plans that will be commenced later in the day. Went for CAD class and then planned the stories we were going to tell the two and also make it as though we had no time to plan anything. We kept ourselves occupied. Me joining my Building construction Group in doing our assignment. Daphne, acted as if she overslept and didn't go to college and Sherman said he got to go somewhere suddenly (but in fact, Daphne and Sherman went to buy the presents at Pyramid), Li Qun had some tutorial thing to do so hence we made an excuse that we wait for him then we go have lunch together at 2 p.m. And Hau Yee kept the two busy with Building Construction's assignment. Perfect plan, so we think. It started to rain heavily at 1 p.m. making us have to lie even more. Sherman said he was stuck at Mentari. I lied by saying I needed to get some materials for the assignment and asked whether they wanted to follow. Hau Yee and I had to sms each other even though we were sitting next to each other. I had to act as if I was messaging someone else. Thank Goodness the rain gave us an excuse to go to out to have our lunch. For at 230 p.m., all the shops at college was closing, hence, NO PLACE TO EAT. So after meeting up with Li Qun, we all hopped into my car and we were off to lunch (supposedly in Pyramid). Sherman acted as if he was stuck at Mentari because of the rain to throw Darren off-guard, he was actually picking up Huei Liq. Sherman messaged Darren 10 minutes later telling Darren that he managed to get to his car and that he was waiting for us at a specific place. So the plan was commencing at last. Daphne and Huei Liq hid in the car, making it as if Sherman was alone. So off we went to Pavilion..... So we thought....
Somehow, we got stuck in the jam for 30 minutes. SO thanks to it, I thought of another lie.. I told Darren to SMS Sherman to follow me to a shortcut out of the jam and so that we can U-turn to Pyramid. HEHEHE.... We manage to fool them that we were taking a shortcut. But when we were actually going no where near the U-turn. However, things were not going as we planned. we had to go to stop somewhere due to car failure and Daphne and Huei Liq was revealed. So much for the surprise. The plans were revealed and we decided to still stick to the plan and go to Wong Kok.
SO at last, 7 people hopped into my poor car and off we went to a monorail station to go to Pavilion....
Off we went to the Monorail... Look how we all squeezed!
Being Lame as always, we cam-whored everywhere we went.... Even in the monorail..
Finally, reaching Pavilion at 4 something, Tummies were all growling, we made our way finally to Wong Kok and immediately took our order.

Sherman giving a tour in Pavilion.

Taking our orders.

The view... Wowwwww....

Wahahahaha... The Queen Must drink first..

King:"Oii... its my birthday... You get the small glass.."

Doinky:*sigh* "I want the Big glass too."

Princess Got it at last... She was too dominating... Princess mahhh...

Giving you an idea how greedy we were...

I love Lameville... Great friends...

Finally.. the food came out... FoOd... Oh Glorious food....

Birthday cake from ZEN

With the King's and Bamboo symbol... Thanks to Huei Liq's superb persuasion skills..

The birthday people..

Blowing the candles out together

I am wondering who he wanna kiss..

Cutting the cake together

Is the cake that hard to cut Darren?

Darren:"Yap, this cake is hard to cut."

Must be love in the air... Just joking...

Many face expressions by Wai Sie when opening her gift..

Its the same with the KING!

Do I really look like a hamster?

After drinking so much, the princess couldn't take it anymore...

So she allowed the King to try to finish it...

They were having a hard time...

So we all helped...

All sick of the Drink.....
The cup was still not empty.....

The bamboo absorbed it all for us... No wastage...

The princess acting as though she finished it... TSK TSK TSK...

Chilling.... WOW... Really DESTRESSED!!!

Man... I think I have to lay off on snacks! 3 guys still can't withstand my weight!

Night view.....
Sherman giving a tour in Pavilion.
Taking our orders.
The view... Wowwwww....
Wahahahaha... The Queen Must drink first..
King:"Oii... its my birthday... You get the small glass.."
Doinky:*sigh* "I want the Big glass too."
Princess Got it at last... She was too dominating... Princess mahhh...
Giving you an idea how greedy we were...
I love Lameville... Great friends...
Finally.. the food came out... FoOd... Oh Glorious food....
Birthday cake from ZEN
With the King's and Bamboo symbol... Thanks to Huei Liq's superb persuasion skills..
The birthday people..
Blowing the candles out together
I am wondering who he wanna kiss..
Cutting the cake together
Is the cake that hard to cut Darren?
Darren:"Yap, this cake is hard to cut."
Must be love in the air... Just joking...
Many face expressions by Wai Sie when opening her gift..
Its the same with the KING!
Do I really look like a hamster?
After drinking so much, the princess couldn't take it anymore...
So she allowed the King to try to finish it...
They were having a hard time...
So we all helped...
All sick of the Drink.....
The cup was still not empty.....
The bamboo absorbed it all for us... No wastage...
The princess acting as though she finished it... TSK TSK TSK...
Chilling.... WOW... Really DESTRESSED!!!
Man... I think I have to lay off on snacks! 3 guys still can't withstand my weight!
Night view.....
After 4 hours of laughing and being too loud, we decided to head for home.. Not before, everyone entering the toilet to empty theur extremely full bladder.... HAHA...
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